Lot No: 2940

Estimate(RMB): 21,500,000-25,000,000

Price Realized(RMB):27,600,000(Including commission)

陈鸣远为杨耑木中允制,耑木未达时,鸣远器题字多出其手。此壶盖能吸起全壶,虽大彬亦无以过之。朱桐川曾以陈于樊桐山房,载《名陶录》中。同光间归吴愙斋,吴乞道州何公书其先人碑志,以此壶为润笔。民国初元,何星叔以易古玉,壶为余辛卯同年褚礼堂所得,余展转购来适为丁卯年也。龚钊。后康熙丁卯二百四十年,此鸣远壶入合肥龚氏,自朱氏后流传之绪无闻,同光以来递藏者凡六家,吴清卿、何子贞、褚礼堂、经亨颐、钱崇甫、陈渭泉也。丙戌怀再记。是年七十七。传承: 杨中讷、朱笠亭、吴大澂、何绍基家族、褚德彝、经涤庐(经亨颐堂兄)、钱崇甫、陈渭泉、日本瑞玏轩、川濑佐一、龚心钊、龚安英递藏。传拓: 《陈隺峰为杨耑木中允手制沙壶》,褚德彝手拓,丙辰六月(1916年)。KANGXI PERIOD, QING DYNASTY  A RARE AND FINE RED CLAY TEAPOT CUSTOMIZED BY CHEN MINGYUAN FOR YANG ZHONGNEProvenance: Previously collected by Yang Zhongne, Zhu Liting, Wu Dacheng, et al.Note: The lot was ink-rubbed by Chu Deyi in 1916.尺寸: 高8.4cm 长15.3cmRMB: 21,500,000-25,000,000

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